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Turning One

We go through labor. Sometimes hours and sometimes days. Baby arrives and it becomes a battle of lates nights, diaper explosions, rolling, crawling, standing, walking, falling. We love our babies and want nothing more than to see them grow and in growing, thrive. They reach the 6 week mark, the 6 month mark, and get stronger every day. Then they turn one. A whole year. It seems so long (sometimes forever) and yet in a lifetime it is simply a blink of the eye. It is a milestone to celebrate not only for our babies but for us surviving through that first year. What better way to celebrare than with a cake smash. This little miss was not totally sure about what was supposed to happen but mom was there to celebrate this milestone whether it was covered in tears or icing. Congratulations on making it to one little Ms. Zoey.

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